Billboard magazine 2009-2012
2009 Billboard magazine front cover. The masthead is "Billboard" and is behind Lady Gaga as it is a big magazine company everyone knows what it is, it doesn't have to be clear and stand out - there are a blue and yellow colour in the Billboard masthead to add a bit of colour. All the writing is in sans serif so it basic and easy to read. The background colours are grey and black which makes the main image of Lady Gaga stand out. Lady gaga is placed directly in the middle of the magazine in order for the main focus to be on her. Her hair is the brightest colour on the magazine so she stands out so she is the focus of the magazine.
2010 Billboard magazine front cover. The masthead would be "Billboard" and is big and bold with different colours on it to stand out. Not a lot of colours were used on magazine covers in these years and below as it was expensive for the company to print in colour, this is why the main image of Drake is a black and white image as it cost the company less money to produce. All the writing is in sans serif which seems to be a reoccurring idea in this magazine so far. However the main attention is on Drake as it has his name in larger writing with a little bit about him, the main image is of him in order for the main attention to be on him. In contrast to the front cover of Lady Gaga the masthead is in front of Drake which implies he is not as known as Lady gaga as the masthead is behind her. Drake is a new Hip-Hop rapper and is not well known so needs the masthead of the big company to be over his head to attract attention to him to expand his audience.
2011 Billboard magazine front cover. It is in this year where a lot of colour is now used in the magazine, in the years below they mainly used black and grey with no bright colours due to the expenses of them. By bringing colour into their magazine it now looks bolder and brighter and more appealing to the audience. Black and grey are not used on this magazine cover at all which makes it look like the whole company has had an image change. The masthead is still "Billboard" and the use of colour in the masthead is still the same to add consistency to the magazine. The writing is in sans serif mainly in a small font but in a larger font serif writing is used to attract attention to the swirls and what it is saying. The main image is of Beyonce and unlike previous front covers she is not looking straight into the camera and is placed at a different angle, although at a different angle she is still the focus of the front cover as she draws you in with her eyes.
2012 Billboard magazine front cover. Images of the celebrities are always the size of the magazine so we can denotate that the image is roughly the size of A4. Like the 2009 front cover of Lady Gaga, Adele is also in front of the masthead which shows her big status and that she herself is bigger than the magazine so is the main focus. Drake and Beyonce were behind the masthead which implies they were new coming artists who needed the magazine masthead to gain attention. Unlike other front covers, the writing in this one is mainly serif with a lot of swirls and colours included. Although there is a lot of detail on this front cover, Adele is still the main focus as she stands out as she is looking directly into the camera lense which instantly draws your attention to her. From 2009 to 2012 we can see how Billboard magazine has developed over a period of years in their front covers from the use of colours they use as well as the artists they use on their front covers.
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